Record Number of Real Estate Transactions

Record Number of Real Estate Transactions

  • News
  • Record number of real estate transactions was registered in Abu Dhabi

Record number of real estate transactions was registered in Abu Dhabi in 2023

– According to the Department of Municipalities and Transport (DMT)

In 2023, compared to 2022:

  • Total Transaction Value – $23.7 Billion
  • Total Number of Transactions rose by 19.5%
  • Sale Transactions Value rose by 159.5% – $16.6 Billion

Number of investors

– UAE Residents increased by 71% – 9,448

– Non-residents increased by 175% – 1,098

In February 2024, Ajman saw the major increase in golden residency property deals

– 102 transactions totaling $93 million.

According to the Ajman Real Estate Management Department, the total number of real estate transactions – 129, the amount – $195 million:

  • Commercial – $155 Million
  • Residential – $28 Million
  • Industrial – $12 Million
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